For the fourth year in a row, Triumph Foods has earned the Worker Safety Award of Honor for worker safety improvement and achievement from the Meat Institute, the nation’s largest trade association representing meat and poultry packers and processors. This is the Meat Institute’s highest-ranking honor for worker safety.
“Triumph Foods and their leadership are being recognized for continuing to prioritize the health and safety of the hard workers who help feed America,” said Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. “These awards celebrate the commitments made by companies to continuously improve their workplace safety practices and reduce workplace injuries.”
The Worker Safety Recognition Awards honor plants that have achieved a high level of safety performance as part of the continuing effort to reduce occupational injury and illness.
Triumph Foods has received several honors for workplace safety, including the Meat Institute’s Award of Merit. In 2021, the company also received the Safety Verified Certification through Matrix Clinical Solutions. That program, developed with Cleveland Clinic, demonstrates Triumph’s commitment to limiting the impact of COVID-19 within its facility, setting an industry standard during the pandemic and beyond.
“It is an honor to accept this award from the Meat Institute with the evaluation of the National Safety Council,” said Triumph Foods CEO Matt England. “The safety and well-being of our team members is integral to our business, and we are committed to ensuring Triumph employees are protected and supported.”
The awards are based on a National Safety Council (NSC) evaluation of each eligible establishment’s actual safety performance as well as its implementation of various key components of an effective safety and health program. The NSC staff examined Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Total Recordable Cases rate and the rate for Cases With Days Away From Work, Job Transfer or Restriction (DART) data for each facility.
About Triumph Foods
Triumph Foods is a leading processor of premium pork products worldwide. The farmer-owned company began operations in St. Joseph, Mo., in January 2006. With its state-of-the-art facility, Triumph employs over 2,400 workers and produces over 1.5 billion pounds of pork annually. For more information, visit triumphfoods.com.
About the Meat Institute
The Meat Institute represents the full community of people and companies who make the majority of meat American families rely on every day. The Meat Institute’s hands-on regulatory and technical expertise, proactive advocacy, unique convening power, collaboration within and beyond animal agriculture, and sector-leading continuous improvement initiatives drive relationships and resources that ensure meat continues to be a vital, trusted pillar of healthy diets and thriving communities for generations to come. To learn more, visit: MeatInstitute.org.