Influenza viruses are a huge concern for swine producers around the globe: firstly, because they cause high levels of illness in the herds; secondly, because they are very contagious and evolve very quickly. Although swine (and human) influenza viruses can circulate throughout the entire year, most outbreaks do occur during late fall and winter – so there is no better time to talk about them! In this week’s episode, I talk with Dr. Montserrat Torremorell about the main strategies for solving influenza issues in our pig production systems. With vast experience on that topic, Dr. Montserrat explains what the differences are between influenza viruses, why sow farms are more susceptible to occurrences, and what we need to do to successfully control influenza on a practical level.
“If Influenza had a brain, I would say it would be very smart. It knows how to adapt and change very quickly.” – Dr. Montserrat Torremorell