While temperatures are dropping, concerns are being raised for many swine producers. We are talking about Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), one of the biggest challenges for swine health because of its tremendous worldwide economic impact on pig production. In that scenario, we must keep an eye on the way PRRS viruses evolve year after year. So you might ask yourself: “What have we learned from PRRS outbreaks this year?” The good news is that I myself asked that same question to one of the brilliant minds in our industry: Dr. Paul Yeske. In this episode, Dr. Yeske delves into the latest trends on PRRS and the strategies we can count on to prevent and mitigate the impact on our herds.
“We often think about how we can keep PRRS out of our farms. However, once we have it, we must also think about how we can do our best to avoid carrying it elsewhere and keep it within the herd.” – Dr. Paul Yeske