About the Guests
Bob Ruth is the vice president of the National Pork Board of directors. He is the past president for Country View Family Farms, a farrow-to-finish farm with 110,000 sows. Now retired, Bob served as the senior vice president for Clemens Food Group, where he worked for 20 years. He has also served on the Pennsylvania Pork Producers Board of Directors and is an active member of PennAg and Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.
Heather Hill is the president of the National Pork Board of directors, and formerly served as vice president and treasurer. She is a co-owner of Hill Farms in Greenfield, Indiana, a 600-sow farrow-to-finish operation. Hill Farms also grows corn, soybeans and wheat. Hill is also former president of the Indiana Pork Board and has been actively involved since 2009. She serves on the National FFA Career Development Sales Committee and is a leader for the local 4-H chapter. Heather is an Operation Main Street speaker.
What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig?
- All you need to know about the myth busting strategy and how it went.
- How NPB used research to develop a strategy.
- What it was like to be behind the scenes both in planning and execution.
- Who NPB partnered with to extend the message.
- Pork Checkoff-funded initiatives addressing pork consumption barriers.
- Bob Ruth and Heather Hill’s “golden nuggets”