Making a career choice can be challenging, especially when we are still young and inexperienced. When we bring that discussion into the swine industry in particular, we realize that not many students know all the possibilities on the table beyond becoming veterinarians. Besides, not all of them come from an ag background. With that in mind, we must do our best to introduce them to our reality – and that’s what we talk about in this episode with Dr. Cassie Jones. At K-State, Dr. Jones coordinates the Department’s undergraduate teaching program, which has more than 900 students and generates more than 30,000 academic credits annually. So she explains the differences between graduate degrees and the reason why mentorship is important in our field. She also gives some great insights for all those asking themselves: do I have what it takes to get a swine nutrition graduate degree?
“Many students have never met a professional animal scientist. So unless they do, it is unlikely that they would ever consider a career as an animal scientist beyond being a vet.” – Dr. Cassie Jones