About the Guest
Dr. Hyatt Frobose serves as the USA Commercial Director and Nutritionist for JYGATechnologies, Inc., a Quebec-based company producing GESTAL brand precision feedingsystems for the swine industry. Hyatt specializes in assisting swine producers with group-housing solutions and nutritional programs to optimize performance and welfare of sows andgrowing pigs in commercial environments. Since completing his Ph.D. in swine nutrition andmanagement at Kansas State University in 2015, Dr. Frobose has been a featured speaker andspecialist working with producers around the world in adopting new technologies and adaptingto increased animal welfare standards. In his role with JYGA, Hyatt has assisted with the designor renovation of over 250 sow farms representing over 400,000 sows. Dr. Frobose and his familyare based in Greeley, KS and are actively involved in their church, local 4-H programs andseedstock Gelbvieh cow/calf operation.

What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig?
- Hyatt’s background and journey to the swine industry.
- His various research studies and time in Australia.
- How Hyatt joined the Jyga team and became the American lead.
- The greatest challenges that he had to overcome.
- What allowed Gestal to find success in the US.
- Hyatt’s near death experience in 2021.
- Dr. Hyatt Frobose’s “golden nugget”.