Pigbase, Topigs Norsvin’s breeding database, now contains data from more than 50 million breeding pigs. The 50 millionth pig in Pigbase, a Z-line female that was named Mitzi, was born in February at the sub nucleus farm of Snider Farms in Michigan, USA. The Z-line is one of the lines that are the basis for the TN70 sow.
Pigbase links the Topigs Norsvin breeding farms with each other, thus creating a single large population of breeding pigs. This makes it possible to achieve high genetic progress and rapidly disseminate this around the world to our customers. Pigbase contains pig data gathered at nucleus farms, commercial farms, and slaughterhouses. It also contains genomic data and data gathered from cut-out sessions, CT scans, and other innovative measuring protocols used in our breeding program and research.