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Fall and winter pose new challenges as well as opportunities to enhance biosecurity protocols on the farm.
Viral challenges like Avian Influenza (AI), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PEDv) are sometimes referred to as “seasonal” outbreaks. Cooler temperatures bring migratory waterfowl into the region, which carry
Avian Influenza. AI can survive for 35 days at 4ºC/39ºF. According to data from the USDA and the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, the number of PEDv cases rose significantly during the colder months during the 2013-2014 outbreak, which killed millions of pigs.
The movement of pigs was considered the primary vector of PEDv and PRRS transmission. Therefore, it is vital trailers and transportation vehicles are disinfected using products, which can perform under the environmental conditions in which they are being used.