Minnesota’s Swine & U Podcast: Episode 44: Surveillance of African and Classical Swine Fevers in the U.S.

In the podcast, Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Rachel Schambow who is a researcher with the UMN Center for Animal Health and Food Safety at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Rachel speaks about the analysis her and her colleagues did of USDA’s Sick Pig Surveillance component at Iowa State University and the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories. She also talks about USDA’s Sick Pig Surveillance program in general and how producers and veterinarians can support surveillance for African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever.

University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine Center for Animal Health and Food Safety have created informational sheets about the sick pig Veterinary Diagnostic Lab’s (VDL) surveillance program to help producers and veterinarians understand what it is and how they can participate. There are two versions of the informational sheets – one is aimed towards the intensive commercial swine industry, while the other is aimed more at non-swine veterinarians and general audiences.