The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation is now accepting applications for the prestigious Hogg Scholarship, established to honor the memory of longtime AASV member and swine industry leader Dr Alex Hogg.
The intent of the $10,000 scholarship is to assist a swine veterinarian in his or her efforts to return to school for graduate education (resulting in a master’s degree or higher) in an academic field of study related to swine health and production. Nineteen swine practitioners, recognized at https://aasv.org/foundation/hoggscholars.htm, have been awarded the scholarship since it was established in 2008.
Applications for the scholarship will be accepted until December 1, 2023. The scholarship recipient will be announced Monday, February 26 during the AASV Annual Meeting.
Dr Alex Hogg’s career serves as the ideal model for successful applicants. After 20 years in mixed animal practice, Dr Hogg pursued a master’s degree in veterinary pathology. He subsequently became the Nebraska swine extension veterinarian and professor at the University of Nebraska. Upon “retirement,” Dr Hogg capped off his career with his work for MVP Laboratories. Always an enthusiastic learner, at age 75 he graduated from the Executive Veterinary Program offered at the University of Illinois.
The scholarship application requirements are outlined here, and on the AASV website at https://aasv.org/foundation/hoggscholarship.htm.
Hogg Scholarship application requirements
An applicant for the Hogg Scholarship shall have:
- Three or more years of experience as a swine veterinarian, either in a private practice or in an integrated production setting
- Five or more years of continuous membership in the AASV
Applicants are required to submit the following for consideration as a Hogg Scholar:
- Current curriculum vitae
- Letter of intent detailing his or her plans for graduate education and future plans for participation and employment within the swine industry
- Two letters of reference from AASV members attesting to the applicant’s qualifications to be a Hogg Scholar
Applications and requests for information may be addressed to:
AASV Foundation
830 26th Street
Perry, IA 50220