U.S. slaughter weights continue to decrease. A week ago Iowa/South Minnesota live weight market hogs were 283.9 lbs., down 2.5 lbs. from two weeks before. A year ago, during pandemic, backed up hogs averaged 295.1 lbs. Year over year same week 11.2 lbs. lower.
U.S. Hog slaughter year to date as of last Saturday 48,851,000; a year ago 47,995,000. Year to date plus 856,000 (1.8%)
When we do farmer arithmetic what current weights and number of hogs slaughter means this is our calculation:
- 11.2 lbs. year over year weight difference ÷ 2.2 lb. a day estimated gain = 5.1 days of gain.
- last week slaughter 2,395,000 ÷ 7 days = 342,142 hogs per day.
- 342,142 hogs per day x 5.1 days = 1,744,928 hogs (our estimate of what 11.2 lbs. difference is in total hogs)
Farmer Arithmetic:
– 856,000
808,928 (hogs)
We estimate, when calculated weight difference, are at about 808,928 fewer hogs to be slaughtered at this time when we factor 11.2 lbs. lighter hogs then a year ago. Two further points:
- A year ago some rations were in place to slow hog growth no such thing this year.
- Also there has been no hot weather to slow growth year to date.
Other Observations
We sold hogs Friday for $115.60 base. U.S. Pork cut-outs closed at $115.70. Not much spread is it?
Had some Packers point out to us last week on producer comment that Packers had margins in processing beyond cut-out calculation. Their point was this extra margin opportunity is being limited by lack of labor to get the processing done. We were told by four different Packers they each were short hundreds of employees.
The U.S. government policy to pay people to stay at home during the pandemic is certainly being blamed for this labor shortfall. This is not only bad for Packers but also Producers, as more money in a short for hogs market is being limited by the labor shortage.
U.S. Pork cut-outs at $115.70 lb. pale compared to Choice Beef cut-outs $316.14 lb. We still find it amazing that our industry fails to comprehend the benefits of better tasting pork. Look at the Beef price. Why do consumers pay more for Beef? Taste.
Friday May 14th U.S. Pork Cut-outs
Per lb.
Primal Rib
Primal Belly
Primal Butt
Primal Loin
Primal Ham
Loin and Hams are about 50% of carcass. The destruction of taste by making pork too lean can be seen in lower price for these two products. Consumers vote with their money – Ribs, Bellies and Butt all with more marbling lead the cut-out prices. Consumers pay for taste. The foolishness of the Other White Meat program that encouraged producers to make pork like Chicken can be seen in consumer preference.