In conjunction with the World Pork Expo, today Genesus announces the 2021 WORLD MEGA PRODUCER
The 2021 World Mega Producer list clearly indicates the Rise of China, with an increase of almost five million sows. The massive investment ($60 billion US) to rebuild China’s swine industry devastated by African Swine Fever can be seen in the multiple company expansions. This is a testament to these companies’ faith in the future and profitability of pork consumption.
Of note, China sow numbers are from late 2020, prior to the second wave of African Swine Fever.
Outside of China there was almost no change in sow numbers of the World Mega Producers, a reflection of the industry financial condition Covid pandemic issues of 2020.
There is expectation the trend to consolidate will continue. For producers that are not World Mega Producers the field can be leveled by the utilization of the technology available whether it be nutrition, genetics, health, equipment, etc.
Since the 60s producers have seen continuous growth of world pork production. The world’s population and income increase have fueled pork production and consumption. There is little reason to believe the trend will not continue. The future for the world’s Pork Industry is bright.
The World Mega Producer is a comprehensive listing of the world producers with over 100,000 sows. This list recognizes the World Mega Producers and the impact they have on our industry.
Genesus has identified forty World Mega Producers this year that together manage
16.5 million sows.


Picture: Jim Long, President-CEO, Genesus Inc.